
Thursday 18 January 2018


Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and outdoor

BY © Kester Kanayo.
"I don't think it's right" she blurted. "I don't want to do this".
Ikenna looked perplexed. He had on his face an imagery of a folded naira note, like he was lost in these simple words Beverly uttered. Like he was a light bulb that wasn't screwed in properly, so couldn't shine.
"But we've talked about this already" he managed to say. "I told you, I'm willing. I want to be the only one to mount the pupit." He said, now, with a smirk.
To him, she was a temple and he's burnt every available incense, just to be able to walk gallantly, like a lion in a dog fight, into her holies of holies.
Right now, he's at the temple gates and he's being deprived access. Those words she said, they sounded like an alarm system that went off at the wrong time. Or like a church bell that doesn't want to stop.

Ikenna drew closer, placing his left palm on Bee's cheek. Bee as he fondly called her, because "she stung him with her love and ever since his life has been as sweet as honey."
Bee can resist all she wants, but this isn't Ikenna's first temple. He's conquered all kinds of cathedrals, ministries, churches. He even has a notepad containing the list of girls that's been his victims. This, Beverly, is just a case of another lion that'd be tamed by the woman who constantly brought a goat as an offering to it. But in this case, Ikenna is the woman and he's all set to tame her.
He looked deeply into her eyes as if to try and hypnotize her. As if he forgot something inside them and he could just conjure the thing out with a wild stare.
"Why are you giving me that look?"
"What look?"
"This look. Like I'm owing you and you want to magically get it out from me"
"Haha. You think you're?" He moves closer. "No,  you're not owing me. Matter of fact you owe me nothing. I always told you, this is just a bonus, having you in my life is the real prize"
She blushed.
"You're like a trophy. Other guys might think of you as a medal, but you're like a trophy to me. You know why?" He pushed back, as if uninterested, albeit he does this knowingly. Now she wants to hear more.
"Because a lot of players can get medals. But only ONE team gets the trophy. And I count myself lucky to be the one"

Now she's a trophy, the next girl might be a musical band, and the next a rare game, like polo or something, might even be an animal that has long been forgotten. All he needed do was create an analogy that makes a solid imprint on her being and viola. He was just too good to be outplayed in this game of words.
Now she's a trophy, she didn't quite realize that there are different leagues, and also how he seemingly has the liberty to play in all.
Aphrodite seemed to have come here to dwell, because Beverly was already all shades of love. She threw caution to the wind and locked her lips on Ikennas' just as if it was an oxygen mask and her life depended on it.
She threw caution to the wind and opened the flood gates of affection and let it drown her in all its wetness.
She threw caution to the wind and opened the door to her inner sanctum. She let him enter willingly, like he was a bonafide resident and didn't need a means of identification.
She threw caution to the wind and let it rain. She wanted to feel his every manliness, she wanted his whole masculinity to be the death of her, so she threw caution to the wind and let herself fly alongside.
But when it rained, it poured.
The next forty five minutes to one hour was quite intense. The world seemed to stand still for ikenna. He's still top of this game and he wasn't coming down anytime soon, e thought to himself.

This was also the case, 3 weeks later when Beverly called him up to report that its been 6 days and her visitor never showed up.
The world stood still.
She said this is the biggest of her fears. Yes,  it was. Because everything was quite overly exaggerated for her, as an only child to a very well to do parents.
She said she was going to keep it, her mom knows about it already and wouldn't put her daughter's life on the line.

Ikenna felt his life shrinking away little by little, like it was an onion bulb and, and a knife was cutting through. He felt like earth was turned upside down on his part.
Now he felt like killing himself.
Not because he'd be a father, but because he was careless, because he threw caution to the wind and let it rain in her, and when it rained, it poured.
Several thoughts ran through his head like it there was a car race going on over there and they were all trying to make headway. He thought about his siblings, his parents, how disappointed they'd be. He thought about his neigbhours at home and in school here, what they'd say. He thought about his course mates. He thought about being incorporated into Beverly's home.
He thought about being a father, at 22.
He felt his life shrinking away slowly, not because he was dying, not because he had a split second thought of suicide, but because at last, he's bitten more than he could chew and this is quite a mouthful.

© Kester Kanayo.

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